
2022 CTAA EXPO in Louisville

CTAA's EXPO 2022 Louisville May 10 -14
CTAA’s EXPO is the premier annual training and networking event for community and public transportation professionals. Participants take part in essential learning and networking events. Speakers and sessions will keep attendees up to date with innovative technology, workforce development, communication strategies, funding, and regulations. The EXPO also features a trade show with all of the latest community transportation goods and services. To find out more, visit our About page with the full breakdown.

Roadeo participants at the CTAA Roadeo. LeeAnne Hughes, FTSB is second from the left in the first row and behind her to the right is Darrell Caldwell, RTEC

GRITS provided five BOC vehicles for the wheel-chair securement competition at the CTAA Roadeo

RTEC provided two mini-vans for the CTAA Roadeo for the mini-van division

Stacy Courtney (PADD), Mark Davis (Fulton Transit) Michelle Brooks and Meredith Hall (FTSB) during a session at 2022 CTAA conference

Scott Brogren, CTAA Executive Director presented Pam Shepherd, KPTA President with the 2022 Partnership Appreciation Award at the CTAA Expo in Louisville

KPTA presented Vickie Pennington, Transportation Director with PACS the 2022 KPTA Spotlight award

Dale Shelton and Mike Dixon with RTEC during the 2022 CTAA Roadeo awards dinner

Alan Wedding, Lee Underwood, and Mandy Zimmerman with GRITS at the 2022 Conference in Louisville's Big Night Out at Churchill Downs

Roadeo Participants at the 2022 CTAA National Roadeo in Louiville Sheliah Shanks, FTSB in the peach shirt

Louisville Wheels supplied five BOC vehicles for the pre-trip maintenance at the CTAA Roadeo

Rebecca Burton, RTEC in the red shirt participated in the 2022 CTAA National Roadeo in Louisville

FTSB supplied five BOC buses for the 2022 CTAA Roadeo.

LeAnn Hughes, FTSB prepares for pre-trip portion of the Roadeo competition

Mike Sherman (FTA Region 4), Dan Lanham (GRITS) and Vickie Pennington (PACS) at the 2022 CTAA Expo

Mike Dixon, Dale Shelton and Shelia Stallsworth with RTEC at the 2022 CTAA Expo

Vickie Pennington (PACS), Pam Shepherd (FTSB), Dan Lanham, (GRITS), Shirley Cummins (RTEC), Freda Parsons (RTEC) and Michelle Brooks (FTSB) during the awards luncheon at CTAA

Kelly Styles, Scott Styles, Taylor Veatch, Paulette Schrieber, Donna Monroe and Tim Monroe with BUS at Churchill Downs in Louisville for the Big Night Out at the 2022 CTAA Expo

Dan Lanham (GRITS), Shirley Cummins (RTEC), Pam Shepherd (FTSB) and Vickie Bourne (OTD) during their presentation at the 2022 CTAA Conference Kentucky NEMT Program