Tourism & Economic Development
Kentucky Public Transit plays an important role in Economic Development and Tourism.
Transportation is available from Airports to hotels, restaurants, scenic sites and places in Kentucky for family entertainment.
Public Transit Systems are "people movers" and gives visitors a way to access Kentucky State Parks, tourist sites, souvenir shops, and an array of valuable services.
Public Transit Systems roll out the red carpet, greet and welcome visitors to our Home State.
As more people park the one passenger automobile, our air quality is improved, traffic snarls on the highway are lessened and our Home State becomes a better place for families to live and work.
Kentucky Public Transit Systems coordinate services with other public transit operators, including private sector and not for profit groups. Duplication of services is almost non-existent with the efforts in partnerships and coordinated efforts.
The Kentucky Public Transportation Network is composed of transit operators, private for profit transportation companies (including Taxi), and highway and road transportation funding through Fast-Act, airports, Intermodal Bus Companies and rail.
Kentucky Public Transit Association (KPTA)
Send mail to KPTA with questions or comments about this web site.
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