KPTA 2023 Conference & EXPO
Conference Agenda
Roadeo Participants with American Bus & KACO Sponsors
Roadeo Judges
Group Particpants in Wheelchair Securements
1st Place RTEC
3rd Place - Federated Transportation
Steve Caruso - Friends Office, Nick Hart - American Bus,
Vik Sethapalli - VIA
Meredith Johns Hall - Federated Transportation
Melissa Tonge - CKATS
2023 Driver of the Year
Central KYCAC CKCATS Most Efficient Award for Lowest Cost per Mile
Joyce Hinkle - Sandy Valley Transportation Service Outstanding DBE Achievement Award
Mike Dixon - RTEC Outstanding Rural Public Transit Highest Ridership
Jackie Johnson - BUS Outstanding Section 5311
Rural Public Transit System Award
2nd Place BUS
1st Place - Kentucky River Foothills
James Knoblett, Tyler Burris, David Estepp, Drew Alexander
Holly Morris - LKLP
2023Dispatcher of the Year
3rd Place Peggy Frederick FTSB
2ND Place - RTEC
Randy Lewis, Nick Lewis, Mike Dixon, Bob UppenKamp
Mona Whitaker - Daniel Boone Transit
2023 Supervisor of the Year
Sandy ValleyTransportation Service Outstanding DBE Achievement Award
LKLP CAC Outstanding Grants Award
Stacy Courtney - PATS
Paducah Transit Outstanding Overall Public Transportation Award
Freda Parsons - RTEC
2023 Kentucky Transportation Hall of Fame
Pat Puckett - Office of Transportation Delivery
2023 Kentucky Transportation Hall of Fame
Gina Douthat - TANK Outstanding Section 5307 Urbanized Public Transportation System
KYOVA Interstate Planning Commision Outstandin Public Transit Planning Award
Jackie Johnson - BUS
Non Emergency Medical Transportation Broker
Carrie Butler - TARC
2023 Kentucky Transportation Hall of Fame
Yvette Taylor - Office of Transportation Delivery
2023 Kentucky Transportation Hall of Fame